Value to customers from Gap Fill and Administrator Assist Services
Gap Fill
As a leader in Medical Education, you encounter challenges when a medical education program does not have an administrator. When this occurs, an important set of tasks still need to be performed while another administrator is being hired.
At New Innovations, we believe the expertise of our team of dedicated Product Specialists can assist during this transition with the performance of necessary tasks during a period of administrative absence.
Program Administrator Assistance Managed Service
Excellence in Medical Education
This is the goal of your program. One of the most critical components of achieving this goal is a dedicated and competent Program Administrator.
When a program has a well-trained and supported Program Administrator:
- Team members and learners receive what they need to maintain program accreditation and achieve high level, desired outcomes in medical education.
- Learners can learn efficiently and progress towards competency for unsupervised practice
- Faculty are able to educate the learners and provide the highest quality patient care
- The Program Director can focus on goals and outcomes for the program rather than details
- The Program Administrator can implement a holistic plan for the activities and tasks which need to occur on a yearly basis as well as for long-term program health.
- Accreditation requirements are understood and managed throughout the year and over the accreditation cycle.
- The program is successful and respected within medical education.
Given the critical role played by the Program Administrator in the success of your program, the lack of a trained Program Administrator can have the opposite effect including:
- Missed requirements and information
- Possible accreditation issues
- Work is laborious and time-intensive
- Events and tasks are often not set up in an efficient manner
- Processes are hard to understand and follow
- Learners and faculty don’t feel supported
- Program leadership experiences frustration
- The administrator gets overwhelmed, frustrated, and burned out
This leads to turnover. Turnover is expensive in so many ways – not just financially. Most importantly, lack of continuity and competence in program leadership can affect the quality of the program.
Some institutions have a robust onboarding and training program for Program Administrators. However, many GME Offices are overwhelmed by constantly changing accreditation requirements and an already extensive workload. What do you do if your institution doesn’t have sufficient internal resources to onboard, train, mentor, and support new and existing administrators?
This is where New Innovations Managed Services can help. Our Program Administrator Assistance service can help your Program Administrator with training and support, so they get started on the right path from the beginning.
Our parallel approach includes participation in group virtual training courses, complemented by
dedicated one-on-one weekly meetings over a comprehensive six-month period. During these sessions, a dedicated specialist works with the Program Administrator on time-sensitive tasks, enhancing data integrity, improving reporting, and meeting organizational demands. Our assistance goes beyond help with the New Innovations RMS to include common program requirements, recommendations for best practices and mentoring in the industry of medical education. At the end of the six-month service, the Program Administrator has a solid foundation to manage the program and work towards excellence in medical education. Program Administrator Assistance Managed Service