Welcome to a New Academic Year
We at New Innovations want to welcome all of our Graduate Medical Education (GME) Program Coordinators to the start of a new academic year! Navigating this role can feel overwhelming, so as you get started here are a few things to keep in mind about what the year will entail and the impact you will have:
As Program Coordinator, you facilitate the day-to-day activities and overall success of your residency programs. This includes scheduling rotations, managing residents, and organizing educational seminars, among a variety of other tasks. Every day has a new set of challenges.
One of the primary challenges of this role is managing Work Hours. ACGME requires that all GME programs adhere to strict guidelines in regards to resident duties to ensure patient and provider safety. With the rapid-fire pace of medicine, these violations can happen despite best efforts. As Program Coordinator, tracking schedules, checking-in with residents, and being aware of changes to rotations, helps to curb these violations and correct them in a timely manner.
Being a Program Coordinator does not just involve logistical support, but also emotional support. In what is perhaps the most important part of the job, you will serve as a constant source of support to new and advancing residents. Residents face a whirlwind of emotions as they navigate the world of medicine and by being there to listen and offer further support services when necessary, you allow them to avoid burnout. While handling the technical aspects of a GME program no doubt decreases resident stress, being there as a mentor can undeniably create a strong team rapport and an improved quality of care.
We are immensely proud to be a small part of your journey to helping these learners become the next generation of healthcare professionals. We are here to help at every step of the way, just as you help those in your program.We can now assume the role of a co-program coordinator to work alongside you behind the scenes. If you have any questions or want to learn more, please reach out to our support team, submit a ticket, or email customersuccess@new-innovations.com